Access Bars are one way I enjoy engaging and Being a contribution with You; My Clients, Friends, Family, My Community and the World. For me, Access Bars Classes offer a platform for me invite others to experience me, my unique gifts and abilities with facilitating change and opening up your world to a whole new possibility.
Classes are a great way to join me in freeing up are limitations that are keeping us from choosing to change the areas of our lives that aren't working and we'd like to change and meet new and amazing people who are also interested in having a life of ease, fun, joy and freedom! In these classes I share MANY amazing tools and techniques that have created change in my life and contributed to me in dynamic ways! I also facilitate you in learning the Hands On Body Process called Access The Bars. Access Bars is a hands on body process using 32 points on the head, that when gently held, release all of the stored energy of thoughts, feelings and emotions that get in the way of being able to choose to BE, to be Present. It clears the mind chatter, creating space, for us to just BE, Be Present and free of judgement and acknowledge the greatness we truly BE! Access Bars is also an opportunity to practice our Receiving muscles! In this reality, we aren’t taught and encouraged to exercise our abilities to receive. It’s a Go Go Go, DO DO DO kinda world out there, and a big missing ease of the puzzle is the willingness to BE and RECEIVE!!! What are you not wiling to receive, that if you were, would change everything? During the 1 day Access Bars Class, You will practice Giving 2 Full Access Bars Session and Receive 2 Full Access Bars Sessions. As the facilitator, I also introduces many tools and techniques to assist in exercising your awareness, and letting go of many points of views, beliefs, judgments to do with areas like Money, Control, Creativity, Sex, Joy, Body Issues, Hopes & Dreams and many other areas of life that may not be at the level of ease you’d like them to be. With these pragmatic tools and techniques, you can now choose to release and Move Beyond the Problems in Your Life and begin to Function from Questions, Choice and Possibilities instead of answers, lies and limitations we’ve been taught to function from. Consider this Your Invitation to join me in a class, or private session and leave Insanity Behind to begin Choosing Something Different & Creating Different Results!!! -Vanessa Gibson Access Bars Facilitator Intuitive Empath Click HERE for Vanessa Gibson's upcoming Access Bars Class Schedule
![]() It's a Rat Race, but you're not a rat! So, why are You running a race and living a life that is not yours? Is your life in alignment with You, Your purpose, Your soul, Your authentic You! Or are you feeling off, facing challenges that just seem like uphill battles, maybe even ones that just keep showing up in different ways? These pressures your feeling are messages to help re-align you to Your Truth and Your Path. It's time to STOP, LOOK & LISTEN Before You ACT!! Stop running this race, Stop your thoughts and Stop trying to live a life that isn't yours and keeping you off balance and unfulfilled. Look around and really evaluate what it is that you truly are drawn to and that you enjoy and use those as doorways to enter back on track to Your life and what is right for you. Listen in to your inner voice, that soft, guiding voice and what it is saying, urging and revealing to your next step. Once you've Stopped, Looked around and Listened in.... ACT Accept that this is where you are at, and it is okay, but there is a life that is in line with your true desires and purpose here for you. Connect with people, actions and thoughts that are already in line with You and the course you are getting back to. Ask yourself, as often as possible, "Is this helping me become or stay in alignment with my truth, my purpose, who and how I want to be? If it is, go for it, if it isn't, than don't and pick another choice that is going to help you create, sustain and live a life in alignment with YOUR TRUTH! Trust that you are worthy of living a life of alignment, on purpose, the fulfilling life of your dreams! You've been given the seeds to grow the beautiful life that you are meant to live and that is waiting to be expressed through You! Everyone's dream is unique and so is yours! You must forge forward, blazing your own trail. Use your creativity to maneuver through any challenges you come across and Trust that you are taken care of and all you need is and will be provided 10 fold! Thank your journey and all who have been gracefully given a part in it, as you take guided ACTion to realign and balance your life. ~ Vanessa Gibson ![]() Stressed out??? Stress occurs in the body because of emotions, beliefs, accidents, injuries, toxins, microbes, trauma, and because of a feeling of being disconnected from ourselves & our environments. Any of these factors will impact the ability of your body to function at optimal levels, resulting in illness, disease and or disorder. Vanessa works with your Whole Body/Mind to design a completely individual a unique combination of physical body parts, systems, environmental, emotional, energy systems, memories, beliefs and information that require balancing in a specific order. She then uses a tapping technique to integrate the balance for instantaneous and lasting healing on all levels. This allows the nervous system and biochemistry of the body to resume normal function so healing can take place. When the nervous system and biochemistry of the body are balanced, people can heal from these conditions and more: Acne, ADD/ADHD, Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Autoimmune issues, Back pain, Behavior problems, Cancer, Chronic fatigue, Depression, Digestive disorders, Emotional disorders, Endocrine issues, Fears and phobias, Fibromyalgia, Infertility, Infections, Insomnia, Headaches, High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Learning disorders, Menstrual problems, Muscular pain, Pain, Pre & post surgery, Post traumatic stress, Scars, Sports injuries, Stress, Viruses ![]() Today, I received a message from the Angels. Today's message was delivered to me with the image of a beautiful angel feather wrapped by a leather string around parchment paper and the message written inside. The message read, " Dearly beloved child, We recognize all of your work, and intentions to manifest and live out your purpose and mission in this life. We are wanting to contact you today to bring a reminder that it is okay to enjoy and relax a little, go play out in nature and be with friends. You've been working so hard, it is time for some balance, and nature is a great way to bring balance into your life. Spend time with any of the elements; just noticing and observing the water, the trees, the grass, or the clouds or stars in the sky and the rocks and metals under your feet. Accept the energy that nature offers and allow it to soothe your achy soul and overworked body and mind. Let your spirit soar while you play in earth's healing gardens. Let it be know that You are a child of God, an infinite expression of beauty and love and light and are in the most perfect place at this most precious time, All is well, and we are so proud of You! Keep up the good work, just be sure to play. Life is meant to be easy, fun and joyful!" In Peace, Angels on High" ![]() "Dear ones, the light is bright and lit at the end of the tunnel. Continue on your journey's forward toward this light. Escape is not the answer or the purpose, but an acceptance and merging with your shadow selves and light bodies is the experience. Re-connect with Your Truth, Integrity and become whole in the flesh form, as the light and spiritual forms already are. Let it be known that change is on the horizon. We are here to assist in your transformations and be of loving service to your planet and it's inhabitants. The change will be experienced differently for many. You are co-creators who have free will. Choose your experience as well as how you will work with the present energies during the change. Be Kind to one another and be very tender and gentle with yourselves through these sometimes uncomfortable and trying times of metamorphosis. Bring in the love that surrounds you through the beauty on your planet. Spend as much time as you can in nature, in the sun and in the water to open up in conversations with your natural environments. This will serve as a calming treatment; as assistance and relief from the surges of growth and transformation in and around you. You are living in the Garden of Eden and it is here for you to enjoy, learn, grow and love within. - I am the Virgin Mary, Shalom, Peace, Namaste ![]() June 5th, 2012 The Mayans knew about the June 5 or 6, 2012 (depending on your location) Venus — Sun transit. They said this transit of Venus would give us clues of what is to come later, on December 21, 2012. I find it so interesting how their are 8 pink petals surrounding the sun during the Venus transit this afternoon! A friend put it nicely, "Its literally a Sun Flower". A channeled message from Archangel Gabriel: “Today, my sisters and brothers, is an extraordinary day. So many shifts taking place within the human race and all consciousness beings! Celebrate the love and life that Venus brings with her shower of energy during the transit on this sacred day! Beauty is yours, and the life you want is awaiting you, you just need to intend it. Focus and place your desires in the forefront of your thoughts and feel the emotions that come flowing behind the thoughts, like a beautiful rainbow kite tail flying in the wind. Dear ones embrace the love that fills your planet and atmosphere, for it is fuel to continue on your growth and journey. Life is a magical experience and you are blessed to be exactly where you are at in this amazing life you are living. Express those things that are hidden away, and allow the light to harmonize them, so that all may act as a magnetic force attracting the experiences you desire. The opportunities are endless and unlimited, but if the perspective you are looking through is that change is challenging, than so it is… Be free to try something new, try on the newness and rejuvenation that comes with the unknown. Create, Be Free and Be in Love, grateful and blissful for all that is in your reality. The messages are many and coming in many different ways, so do not fear that you may be missing them. Just be open to receiving exactly what you need, but with no expectations of how it may show up for you. Allow the magic to return into your life, the synchronicity and the child like wonder. It is meant to be easy, fun and full of bliss, but you are the one who perceives your reality and can experience it however you choose, so choose ease and joy and love and support. You are so loved and you are so supported. All things have, are and will come in the perfect timing.” _
Our bodies are communicating with us all the time, the problem is we just don't know how to listen to it. Symptoms are one way the body tries to get our attention, start a conversation and let us know something is out of balance. BodyTalk Practitioners take the next step in the conversation and ASK the body's innate intelligence, "What communication is being compromised, where is this happening and in what order do we need to address this?" We re-establish the communication in order of priority, which then allows the body to balance and heal itself as nature intended. Have you talked with your body today? What is it saying? Book a BodyTalk Session today and we can find out more and bring you and your body back to balance and a growth and healing state of being:) BodyTalk For Health has moved to a new location in beautiful Northern San Clemente, CA.
Book Your BodyTalk Session Now and check out the new treatment room! This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
So stoked to add Reiki to my healing offerings! Please contact me if you'd like a Reiki Session, in-person or distance sessions available!
Saturday, March 19th, was BodyTalk For Health's First BodyTalk Awareness Day Presentation in San Clemente, Ca.
We had a great turn out of incredible people who all responded well to the information presented and the group session they got to experience. Positive Feedback all around with sessions on the books! I am grateful for the opportunity to share the amazing BodyTalk System with these lovely people and to be able to work with them all. I look forward to many more successful, informative and fun events in the near future and hope to see you all there! I just was introduced to Patch Adams yesterday via a Facebook post and am so inspired! This man truly has a heart of light and love and compassion! It is so refreshing to know that my dream for a place that anyone can go to and receive the most perfect health care for their specific needs; for as long as they need it, and not have to be concerned with the money or cost, is alive, in many! What a beautiful gift of hope and human kindness! Let's keep this dream alive and building! Take the time to watch this 16min YouTube and learn a bit more
Patch Adams, M.D. - Transform 2010 - Mayo Clinic Patch Adams, M.D., author and founder of the Gesundheit! Institute, addressed the Transform 2010 Symposium sponsored by the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation. For more information on Transform, go to http://centerforinnovation.mayo.ed...u/transform/ The nutrition you received in the womb; the pollutants, drugs and infections you were exposed to during gestation; your mother’s health and state of mind while she was pregnant with you — all these factors shaped you as a baby and continue to affect you to this day. BodyTalk for conception and pregnancy can change this... This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
The BodyTalk Health Care System is being taught in over 40 countries,
11 languages and soon, a medical degree in BodyTalk will be available, how amazing is that! |